Tag: office work

Preparing Yourself for the Work Day

I always enjoy being prepared for the day when I’m in my office at work. Walking in knowing I have everything I need to tackle the workload of the day and wielding the right mentality are both extremely helpful in having a productive and enjoyable day. When you’re not prepared, things just get thrown in a state of flux, your attitude grows worse over the day, and the next thing you know is your workload has doubled for the next few days because you got behind on one early in the week.

I think that’s what gets me the most–being behind in the week all because of an off day. Once you’re behind one day, the rest of the week feels much harder, much less manageable, and your mood worsens from one day to the next. No one likes being at work all that much in the first place (well, some people do, but they’re the lucky few), but no one likes it at all when their week is going terribly and their workload has seemingly increased way more than expected.

So, preparation for each and every workday is important. Let’s go through some good pointers to help keep you on track daily.

Have the right supplies

Without the proper office and packaging supplies, you’ll never get anything done asking around your office to borrow others’ supplies. Even more than this waste of time, having everything you need is something that helps to physically prepare you for your work each and every day, so it’s important to have everything from staplers and extra notepads of paper to shipping envelopes and other packaging supplies you may need in a pinch.

Get in the right mindset

Mental preparation is easier said than done, and that’s no different when prepping yourself for a day at work. The biggest challenge you need to get over when you get up and get ready for the day is to not dread work. Even if you do dislike what your career is, having that sense of dread every single time you walk in the office does damage over time to your psyche and will. I suggest trying to do some morning exercise or yoga in order to put your mind in a good headspace full of endorphins. Having a good breakfast is also helpful so that your mind isn’t left to wander when your stomach starts grumbling.